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AskDrCarr® is based on Dr. J. Carr’s original research and education model, which is to share with the online reader a wealth of knowledge through a consortium of Ivy League-educated contributors.

Dr. Carr saw the importance of sharing with you, the INTERNATIONALLY-located U.S. veteran, information that was clearly worded and well-researched.
The consortium of Ivy League-educated contributors originated with Dr. Carr. He was an alumnus of two Ivy League colleges (Harvard and Johns Hopkins), and held a doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine, a Master of Business Administration, and a Master of Public Health when he retired.
Dr. Carr was also a U.S. veteran.
Thus, became the vision of AskDrCarr® to focus its educational service to INTERNATIONALLY located U.S. veterans, FMP veterans who struggle with limited access to BOTH local and U.S. supports.
The consortium is thoroughly qualified to research and write about important topics that are most important to and primarily serve FMP U.S. veterans, including the challenging topics of health and mental fitness, achieving personal success and joy, while applying them to general medicine, psychiatry, psychology, and public health.
AskDrCarr® offers two premium membership levels:
- AskDrCarr® Insider membership FREE*
- AskDrCarr® UpDate™ Platinum membership
AskDrCarr® Insider membership is FREE* only to documented, internationally-located FMP U.S. Veterans.
AskDrCarr® Insider gives readers special access to more cutting-edge, detailed analysis of the posts introduced as brief introductions on the general audience pages available on the AskDrCarr® website as a public service.
AskDrCarr® UpDate™ Platinum membership is the ULTIMATE way to get YOUR cutting edge information.
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Either membership you choose, you WILL enhance YOUR success and joy!
Membership discounts (FREE) to the premium services are available to international FMP veterans who can demonstrate registration with the FMP, Commander’s proof of membership with their international VFW or a confirmation message from their Embassy’s Retirement Service Officer.
Partial discounts to the AskDrCarr® Insider membership are also available on a case-by-case basis for individuals who are NOT FMP veterans, but provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) documentation.
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